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Photography Workshop Testimonials - May 2022

The first ever photography workshop went amazingly well and the students got some truly incredible photos! Read through their experience of the course below.

Hunter Ferner, U.S.A.

“Sam’s wildlife photography workshop, overall, allowed me to develop a stronger relationship with my

Photographing Black Rhino
Hunter Photographing Kushinga, a male Black Rhino.

camera. It’s obvious that Sam has the expertise and experience in both photography and analyzing animal behavior. Before attending the course, I considered myself an intermediate/advanced photographer, and there was still plenty that this course had to offer that I really benefitted from. Not only does Sam cover the technical aspects of photography, but the majority of the time is spent in the field applying your skills in intimate encounters with wildlife. I also really benefited from learning about the business of media/photography while taking Sam’s course. Regardless of your level of photography experience, if you are looking to enhance your relationship with your camera, encounter beautiful wildlife, or both, Sam Turley’s photography workshop is for you.”

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Melanie Hazell, U.K


Photographing Giraffe
Melanie admiring the view.

"I really cannot recommend Sam and this course highly enough. Even before I

arrived, Sam assured me there was no query too small or silly to ask. He was

really helpful in ensuring I had everything I needed to travel as well as sourcing

equipment for my new camera as my old one had broken. Both the other

members of my group and the volunteers were so lovely, and definitely added to

the experience. Every day began with an early rise, greeted by the most

beautiful sunrises and we could not have asked for better weather. Sam is a

very talented tracker photographer and guide with unfailing positivity and

commitment to finding our next subject to photograph. His knowledge and

ability to spot animals was amazing and always prepared the group when they

were nearby, giving us time to set up our equipment and find the best position to

photograph the animals. I do also have to say how well he worked with all the

local people who take care and guard over the animals. He always had time for

them and asked how they and their families were doing.

Standing so close to such beautiful animals (elephants, rhinos and cheetahs to name a few) was an experience I will never forget. This course is a chance of a lifetime and

anyone who is able to go on one of Sam’s courses would be crazy not to."

Interested in joining my next course? Register your interest by clicking below.

Philip Warren, U.K

Photographing Elephants
Philip getting up close and personal with a big bull elephant.

"I had an amazing week at Imire on the Wildlife Photography Workshop and a major part of that was thanks to Sam. He is uniquely positioned with his combination of experience in zoology, photography, and as a guide to provide you with the best opportunities to photograph the incredible animals of Zimbabwe. His easy going nature made us all feel comfortable and ensured we enjoyed ourselves all week. His enthusiasm and respect for wildlife and conservation made me appreciate not only the special photo opportunities but the animals and habitat themselves.

Sam was a patient mentor able to teach something new to photographers of a variety of skill levels and adapt to our needs as the course progressed. With his knowledge of Imire and its animals he has something to offer to every level of photographer.”

Interested in joining my next course? Register your interest by clicking below.


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